Hair Coloring | Top Women Hairstyles

Hair Coloring

Posted by kulu


Dyed her hair for different reasons. But in any case, the purchase of a new color a chance to start a new life, because hair color is one of the most affordable ways to radically change its image and become more visible and attractive.
To achieve this result offers a large number of painting tools:
    1. Hair Coloring
  • Tint tools – for short hair to give a new shade. Create on the surface of the hair color film, quickly washed away, have the most sparing effect. But on dark hair tinting effect of money is almost invisible. They are most noticeable on light hair – the best ones that are red-red spectrum, obtained slightly worse than all the shades of blue and eggplant.
  • Soft colors provide gentle oxidizing agent in very small concentrations. More stable than the tint tools. Washed in 10 – 20 times the process takes place gradually, without the effect of “regrown roots.” The paint will add luster and richness of natural color or revitalize it with new shades.
  • Resistant paint – the universal tool that can give any desired effect. Contain strong oxidizing agents, adversely affecting the health of hair. They are used to obtain uniform and stable color when stained with gray hair and brighten hair by 1-2 shades. In other cases it is better to use a more gentle coloring agents.
  • Lightening means are used for bleaching (3-5 colors or more) of dark hair before using the brightest colors of paint. They have a destructive effect on the natural hair structure. After their application is necessary to use special soft shampoos and balms, as well as means to an intensive hair treatment.
Modern hair coloring process is simple enough – the coloring composition is applied to the hair. When you first painting of the dye composition is applied to the hair roots, after a certain period of time, the remaining mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair. Tint your hair is so only when the proof paints. Tint polustoykie tools and paint is applied to the entire length. Hair cover with plastic cap and warmed them. Exposure time is determined by the manufacturer. At the end of time, the paint is washed off thoroughly. “Serious” dying at the last stage involves the application of balms and conditioners. The process takes about 30-40 minutes at toning, coloring polustoykoy paint 20-25, stand 40-50 minutes.
As you can see, technically the process of hair coloring is not is a big deal. It is much harder to achieve, that set off a hair color eye color, skin tone, combined with internal and external appearance of a man with his way of life. Ideally, a new hair color should be the basis of your unique style.
Here are some tips from professionals:
  • If the skin is covered with freckles, do not experiment with “platinum blonde” or “burning brunette” – these colors to face a young girl with clear skin. At older ages, they emphasize the defects of the face.
  • If the skin reddens for any reason, you should avoid shades of red (“burgundy,” “Mahogany,” “red wine”).
  • If skin color is similar to cold tones, it is better to choose the color “ash blonde”, “red wine”, “Mahogany,” “Eggplant,” “dark brown” “black”.
  • If the skin color of a peach, cool colors such as “ash-blond ‘do paler color. Apply the colors – “Honey Blonde”, “warm chocolate”, “Ginger,” “dark brown” with shades of rust.
  • What is important is the right combination of eye color, skin tone and hair color. The light blue eyes and fair skin – light hair. Brown eyes and dark, very tanned skin – dark hair. Green, dark blue eyes and light skin or blue eyes and slightly tanned skin – “blond,” “Blonde,” “dark blond”. Green, dark blue eyes and medium-tanned leather – “dark blond”, “light brown”, “brown”. Green, dark blue eyes and very tanned skin – all shades of “shatena.”


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