Hair Treatment | Top Women Hairstyles

Hair Treatment

Posted by kulu

. Hair is constantly suffering from the adverse impacts. Dandruff, split ends, damaged hair loss – frequent phenomenon. At the notorious dander, many do not pay attention. But its presence is often said about the general poor health.
    1. Hair Treatment
  • should be checked by a doctor: no Do you have hormonal changes, gynecological diseases and, above all, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • exclude from your diet plenty of salt, a large amount of carbohydrate, crude fat, spices.
  • drink a special vitamin complex for hair and skin.
  • You can use anti-dandruff shampoos, but the removal of dandruff – is not getting rid of poverty. It is important to establish why it appears again and again.
  • radical curative drugs will help to assign you an expert (often a doctor – a trichologist) after diagnosis of the hair and scalp.
  • it is he can teach you a special head massage that improves blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, strengthens and tones the muscles.
  • also appoint a different specialist physiotherapy, for example, electrotherapy and termovozdeystvie. In short, many experts now return you to modern features health and beauty of hair.
From the – for the mechanical or chemical exposure scaly layer of the hair is brushed, hair become dry, lose their luster. So if you have had a perm, bleaching, dry up the hair dryer, listen to our advice.
GENTLE WASH – after all the aggressive impact of the hair is sensitive and should not be washed during the following 3 days. Ideal for cleaning super soft shampoo for damaged hair.
RECOVERY AT NIGHT – disappear under the influence of chemicals compounds that give hair strength and elasticity. Special treatment in ampoules restores damaged hair for seven days: all the liquid from the capsules in the evening to put on dry hair and comb. During the night it is absorbed into the hair and begin to rebuild the destroyed compound. In the morning rinse the hair.
TREATMENT momentary – just sprinkle your hair with a moisturizing liquid nutrients.
REGULAR full of energy – the mask on your hair needs to be done after every third or fourth washing your hair, they may contain such nutrients as a moisturizing panthenol and enhancing the growth of hair keratin, collagen and silk proteins.
HOT OIL . This is the latest novelty: it strengthens hair, leaving no trace of fat on them. Its secret is a new combination of ingredients from keratinatov and protein – plus the heat of the hydrolysates. The closed bottles with a liquid oil to heat for 2 minutes in hot water, then uncork and enter into damp hair. Due to better heat the ingredients affect your hair. Let the oil soak in a little bit and then wash off with shampoo.
Vegetable dyes – to “revitalize” faded hair, use shading means on the basis of the plant. They both treat the hair, the hair covering the horny layer of protective film, the hair begin to shine.
EXTRA LOAD – not dry damaged hair dryer, it is better in the air.
HELP splitting hair ends
  • Special products can temporarily glue fiber. They need to apply as early as possible to protect the sensitive tips.
  • shortening of the hair regularly, about once every 6-8 weeks, to prevent splitting.
  • before washing the hair rub the tips of a small amount of therapeutic agent.
In the future the next time, use one of the newest tools that are used in the perm. With them, you treat the damaged areas in the hair. The derivatives of sulfur, for example, in the process of curling, especially in the damaged areas to form “artificial skeleton.” Nutrients such as amino acids, polymers, vitamins, cover the surface of the hair with a protective film.
As you can see, to cope with many problems it is in your power. Take the time and effort, and the hair will respond to you thanks, always remaining healthy and beautiful.


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