Haircut at home requires a certain arsenal of tools. First and foremost, here come the scissors. They do not have to be professional scissors are very expensive, the main requirement in this case – a good sharpening tool. The degree of grinding test is quite simple: Take a small piece of cotton wool and wet it thoroughly, and then try to cut it with your scissors. If this operation is easy, so good sharpening and scissors can be used for hair cutting.
Haircut at home is impossible without different types of combs. There should be several: big and small, with infrequent and frequent teeth. It is also useful to have in reserve a comb with a long thin handle the figure is right – it allows you to easily separate the strands of hair from each other.
Also it is necessary to have at home hair clipper. This is especially true if you are going to make a short cut. Men’s haircut at home without such a machine is simply impossible. With the use of different hairstyles tips can be of various lengths and styles. This machine is very easy to do hairstyle nalyso – it does not require any special skills. Women’s haircuts at home can also use the clipper – especially if it’s a short cut and you want to remove unwanted hair on the neck. Mowing machine at home is simple in execution, and after a while already having some experience, you can display different patterns in the hair, embodying their ideas into reality.
Next, cape over his shoulders – for this purpose, any suitable sheet or large towel and spray spray – it needs water to soak the hair in the process of cutting performance. It should be reserved a certain number of pins and clips for the hair – they can be used to capture and fix your hair during haircuts. This is especially true if you plan to do hairstyles for long hair or medium length hair.
Self-grooming requires mandatory disinfection of instruments before performing cutting. But it is not necessary to boil the tools well enough to wash them in hot water with antibacterial soap and rinse with boiling water.
So, after preparing all the necessary tools to work, you can proceed to the process of cutting. It is necessary to observe the basic rules for cutting:
Rule one: cut hair is always just wet! If in the process of cutting his hair began to dry – moisten them again. And do not forget that after drying the hair shortened by about a centimeter.
Rule two: in the process of cutting head should be divided into zones and produce consistently cut. Zone – this is usually parietal, occipital, temporal. Occipital area can also be divided sodium: the upper zone, middle and bottom. Decide how you will start the band haircut, and kill the remaining zones suitable clamps.
Rule three: make your haircut look finished – do shading or border. Such techniques can draw the contours of cut and make it more attractive. Shading – drawing a smooth transition from long to short hair at the edges of their growth. Shading done with a comb and scissors or clippers for cutting – if you cut short the length of hair in some parts of the hair is practically zero.
Edging – a line of hair cut, which gives the final contour of hair. Edging can be trapezoidal, round, oval, square, etc. Top border bangs – oblique, direct, or asymmetric. In short haircut makes her temples edging – toes, whiskers or straight edging.
With these simple tips, you can create at home is quite acceptable haircut. Of course, it would be better if her first hair cut you will make under the expert guidance of a man who already knows how to cut and can show you some professional techniques. However, it is not necessary – most importantly do not be afraid to try and learn from their mistakes.