Colorful Greek theme, inspired by images of what is coming down from Mount Olympus, or emerging from the sea-foam goddess, never ceases to excite nor arbiters of fashion, nor the inhabitants. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, hairstyles in the Greek style does not go from the pages of glossy magazinesand red tracks. This is understandable, because the Greek hairstyle combines romance, elegance and simplicity, perfectly fitting in very broad palette of styles. It is solemn, but not mannered, refined, but not stiffly, sensual, but not frivolous. Everything in moderation and with style! It’s just a win-win situation for a romantic date, party, prom, going to the theater, dinner party or wedding. Hairstyles in the spirit of the mythical goddesses are very diverse, so the appropriate Greek version can be selected and for each day.
What is especially the Greek hairstyles?
If you recall the images of ancient Greek women or films about ancient Greece, it will certainly be brought before the eyes of girls and women in white robes with elaborate bomber with long curly hair. That long hair is the basis for any Greek hairstyle. However, soft flowing locks should never be left entirely free. Laws of the genre demand that they were partially or fully assembled: plaited into braids, twisted into high cylinders or beams are too tight, fixed double or triple hoop … It not only gives the hair a special charm, but also makes it convenient and practical. Greek hair – ideal for those who are not accustomed to sacrifice convenience for beauty: hair enthusiastic delight the eyes, but nothing gets into your eyes and do not interfere. Yeah, the goddess know a lot about hairstyles! And to create such a masterpiece of hair does not have to be professional. Due to ease of installation Greek hairstyle is much faster than the other evening options, and look at this simply stunning!
Who is suitable hairstyle in the Greek style?
As a highlight of the Greek hairstyles are curly hair, especially impressive it will look at the nature of curly hair. If your hair is straight – no problem! We arm styling, hair curlers, tongs and let’s go ahead – to create waves, curls and curls! Greek version – an excellent choice for owners of long hair and the hair of medium length, but the lover of short haircuts in this regard was unlucky. Well, if you really really want a short cut to bring the divine Greek notes, you can decorate the hair hoop, or ribbon.
Benefits of Greek hairstyles:
- Greek-style hairdo will help accentuate the cheekbones and oval face, and in the presence of Greek dress and even the beauty of the hands, neck and chest;
- coiffure a la Greek Goddess excellently combined with virtually all types of jewelry and style with a variety of dresses;
- variety of variations of pilings can find a suitable hairstyle for every type of person;
- hair is gathered into the eyes do not climb, do not interfere, allowing to feel confident, free and liberated;
airy styling and flowing tresses do not give cause for concern because of the hair strands vybivsheysya.
Types of Greek hairstyles
Variations on a theme from the Greek pilings there are so many, but they all have in common the presence of luxurious cascading curls. By the way, dark-haired Greek preferred to bleach your hair with the help of sunlight and alkaline soap.
The Greek site
The Greek site, or the so-called “korimbos†is running on the waves curled, long hair, separated by parting. Since at that time in fashion was a short forehead, hair done, with an overlap on the forehead so that it was open only two fingers. In modern Greek hairstyles observance of this rule is optional. Let her hair along her cheeks, lifting and laying his head on a resilient bunch – a node that is fastened by narrow ribbons and pins.
Hairstyle Thais
Hair going back in a bun and placed in a special grid-cap, known as the Greek Stefan. Classic styling includes a Stephan of gold cords. Today, Stefan can be decorated with jewels, rhinestones, strings of pearls, embroidered by hand and use a silk Stephen. The hair around the mesh must be finely curled and it is desirable that little forehead was covered.
Greek Women’s quite complicated hairstyle as the flames. First of all, the hair should be divided parting. In the middle of the head at the nape choose one strand, which tightly bandage taped to the bottom. Then twist and curl into a strand of elongated curl. In the same way the rest of the tips curl hair, divide it by separate locks, fix that hair does not split up, and leans back. Hair pins fasten to the bottom of the main strand, and all the tips assemble into a bundle.
Greek Spit
Greek Spit – ideal not only for special occasions but for everyday life. Modern stylists upgraded braided in the face and neatly wrapped around the head Greek scythe, creating an incredible array of options for weaving, for example, instead of a braid weave several small, woven into a braid of hair strands of contrasting colors, experiment with talking.
Apollo’s bow
Also, this hairstyle is known as the “locust†because of the bow hair like light wings of cicadas. The line of the forehead is covered partly by sinking down on both sides of the two waves curled locks to be collected back along with all the hair.
Greek tail
Greek tail is simple. Basis – the same curly hair that is collected at the top of the crown and down on his back in a chic long tail. To really happened in Greek, the entire length of the tail several times caught beads or ribbon
Slices of melon
Hair curl and stacked vertically, from the hairline to the nape of the neck, large segments that are going back two ribbons
Modern variations
Creative hairdressers and stylists really like to experiment with the hairstyles in the Greek style, bringing in a classic fresh, surprising and sometimes shocking innovation: hairstyles supplemented with artificial tails and braids are combed, remain free stacks of scrolls, combining a seemingly incongruous styles, such as , Greek refinement and ragged grunge.
Accessories Greek hairstyles
The basis of a Greek-style – simplicity and brevity, so initially placing such decorative elements are not abundant, except those that were needed immediately for the creation and fixing her hair. Modernized variation of the divine Greek subjects are not bound by such a rigid framework. Hairstyles lavishly decorated with sequins, stones, beads, threads, diadems, hoops, ribbons, pins, wreaths, nets, lace, delicate chains, natural and artificial colors and all that allows you to more clearly express the divine essence of a woman, her individuality and uniqueness of the image. The main thing in with the decorations, do not overdo it, so do not look vulgar.
- hairstyle in the greek style
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- greek tail
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- greek hairstyle
- hairstyle
- hairstyle
- hairstyle
- hairstyle