. Dangers lurk at every step of the hair – the heat and wind, hard tap water, hot blow-dryer, color, perm. But armed with the necessary knowledge, you will be able to provide them with not just regular maintenance, but also full protection.
Let’s start with the simplest procedures of hair care:
- head is best to wash with soft water: ordinary tap or boiled, softened baking soda.
- water temperature should be around 50 degrees, it is well dissolved sebum and dirt is removed.
- not desiccate the hair dryer, because of this they become dry and brittle.
- Choose a shampoo according to the type of your hair.
Shampoo for normal hair – contains less detergents. It cleanses the hair without interfering with the natural selection of oils.
Shampoo for dry hair – contains little of detergents, it added a humidifier, which prevents excessive dryness of skin and hair.
Mild shampoo for frequent washing – very weak, does not irritate the skin and dries her hair.
Anti-dandruff Shampoo – contains substances that slow down cell division in the skin, and removes the dead skin flakes. But too often its use makes hair dull and dry.
Before washing your hair should be combed to remove the remnants of their styling and dandruff. Put some shampoo on the palm, and add water to reduce the concentration of the mixture, apply to wet hair and thoroughly massage the scalp, rinse lather with clean water. After that, rinse your head is useful acidic solution (1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice to 1 liter of water) and decoctions of herbs, it will strengthen the hair.
Means “after washing†will help your hair stay healthy. They are designed to create a soft, acidic environment on the surface of the hair and neutralize the effects of alkaline detergents, and the “razlohmativshiesya†closes the hair scales: the surface of the hair becomes smooth. Also, particles of different substances within them, nourish and moisturize the hair soft tissue. Hair becomes supple, soft and silky. Depending on the problem, choose the means of dandruff, dry and damaged hair, hair with a perm and colored, for normal, long, thin, fat, split, brittle hair.
- balm penetrates just below the hair keratin scales, filling in the voids between them, which smoothes the surface of hair. Balsam also influences the hair follicle – the hair leaves the pouch substances that stimulate hair growth and regulating sebaceous excretions.
- air conditioner through the hair with special additives ensure quick drying and harmless, without taking the necessary moisture. Most air conditioners have ingredients in its composition, neutralizing static electricity hair, which stopped emitting electrical charges, and “reach†for a hairbrush.
- Mask is the basis for the process of reconstructing the structure of the hair, food, dry or oily scalp drying. This procedure is more global than a regular hair care after washing, and therefore used less frequently – every 1-2 weeks.
- Conditioner is mainly intended to facilitate the combing of hair, covering them with protective film. Rinses contained large quantities of natural plant extracts tone the hair and scalp, enrich them with vitamins.